There are different types of floor coatings, one of them will be the epoxy floor coating that is popular on industrial floors, residential garage and basement floors and also office facilities. The epoxy basically contains two components; the resin component which is a light, odor free and colorless and also the other component will be the hardener which is usually dark colored and possesses a strong smell. With proper mixture and proper amount, the mixture can provide a compound reaction thereby making a strong plastic-type material guaranteed to continue for a long time. - epoxy floor coatings

What exactly is epoxy?

An epoxy is really a material made of liquid polymer and it is converted to solid polymer with proper mixture due to chemical reaction. An epoxy that is polymer based is chemical resistance against decay, mechanically tough and highly adhesive. Epoxy is also heat resistant and a great insulator for electrical purposes.

What are the advantages of epoxy floor coating?

For just one, epoxy floor coating is quite reliable when it comes to durability. A combination can also be adjusted according to the specific necessity of your garage or facility. The resin may be adjusted in order to meet necessary hardness or elasticity. And also, since it could be adjusted, you can even request to incorporate color around the mixture to come up with your desired style and color of your garage floor. Through the use of epoxy floor coating, you have a durable and at the same time, an ornamental coating on your floor.

Is epoxy safe and easy to apply?

Epoxy remains safe and secure where there are not any known side effects of the chemicals found in a combination. There are epoxy paints that can come premixed for application on low traffic floors or powerful epoxy floor coatings which you combine from bucket A with bucket B which you mix using a drill and mixing paddle. It also has a high resistance to chemicals for example gasoline, salt, grease, oil and solvents.

Advancements in Epoxy Floor Coating Technology

Epoxy coating quality covers a variety based on use. There are Do It Yourself kits designed for basements and garage floors. However, you get what you buy. Epoxy paint kits seen in many diy stores are little more than a paint that cannot withstand the new tires of the car despite exactly what it says on the label. Recently trusted online retailers have introduced high end Do It Yourself systems having a durable urethane top coat.

Professional installers will use systems with sand built in to several layers for high traffic in warehouses and traffic areas.

Polyaspartics and Polyureas

In the last couple of years a new variety of floor coating continues to be introduced called polyureas and polyaspartics. These new coatings have unique characteristics including having the ability to withstand winter applications and adaptability preventing cracking. The products were originally intended for coating steel to stop corrosion. Their exceptional performance and quick curing led to different applications particularly on concrete. Even though there are a few companies promoting a polyaspartic system for the do-it-yourself market they may be an advanced coating that should be left to the professionals. - epoxy floor coatings


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